Let me guide you in loving and celebrating yourself each and every day.

I find the written word very is powerful in helping us see our thoughts and be able to challenge them. When you write, you see your current truth and mindset right in front of you. It's hard to write as fast as you think, so you can't skip over things as easily; you can't dismiss them and move on. They are revealed to your eye and relayed back to you, bringing awareness, allowing the reality of them to settle, and giving your rational mind a chance to engage with them.

Writing helps you create the process of awareness, exploration, and checking how this truth feels and allows you to process through it or change it.

There are different ways you can write.

Audio transcribe If, like me, you don't always enjoy typing and only use your writing skills for your to-do lists,

Free flow, where you just write or type as you think and then go back and read over it and connect with it. Notice the key points and how these words now feel in your mind.

Bullet points. I use this method when my mind is overwhelmed or my anxiety feels like it's drowning me. I call it my rational writing. I write in short, bullet-pointed sentences what bothers me. I get it all out, and I then challenge the validity of its reality and whether I really need to feel this way about it. I might still be angry, scared, or overwhelmed even if it's not entirely valid, so I then write how I can help, be prepared, or support myself if this becomes true. I have been known to draw out a what-if flow chart so that I can see how all the scenarios play out and feel more prepared for each one. It calms me, but im aware this may not suit your personality.

Play around with your thinking, writing, and exploring styles so that you can learn to hear the other voice behind the thoughts you take to be factual. This is your inner knowing and you should make it your best friend and guide in your life.  

Understanding leads to peace and empowerment because it brings about awareness. You can make better decisions that meet your needs and desires when you have a deeper understanding of yourself. Making decisions become more effortless.

The best tool you can offer yourself to change your life and set yourself free is AWARENESS. The wonderful part is that once you acquire the skills, they will become a part of you and how you live. It takes time, patience, kindness, and courage. They can never be forgotten, and you will never be lost again.

The Importance of Loving and Celebrating Yourself Daily

Conscious self-love and self-celebration are two of the most important and often pushed aside as we get caught up in the day-to-day demands and responsibilities of life.

Trust me, if you take a little time each day to focus on celebrating, you will have a profound positive impact on your inner and outer worlds.

First of all, daily self-love strengthens our confidence and self-worth. It enables us to value our individuality and appreciate all we are and all we are capable of in our daily lives. This positive self-image cultivates a sense of inner peace and contentment and facilitates a deeper knowing of who we really are and our value.

Secondly, celebrating oneself daily promotes a sense of accomplishment and fulfilment. Recognising our abilities and growth, no matter how minor, is a beautiful thing. Celebrating these milestones provides a sense of motivation and inspires us to strive for more. We begin to recognise our worth, and our perception of ourselves and the world around us grows in the most beautiful and profound way.

In a world that often emphasises the importance of loving and caring for others, it's easy to neglect the most important person in our lives: ourselves. Celebrating ourselves daily is a valuable habit that will improve our self-esteem and mental and emotional health.

If we are critical of ourselves, we create a negative inner world that makes life feel harder and the world feel lacking. When we take the time to celebrate our achievements each and every day by just acknowledging what we did well during the day, we are cultivating a positive outlook.

Learn to Celebrate Yourself every day with this free guide.

At Solace Forest, we believe that the key to living a happy and fulfilled life is knowing and loving yourself deeply. That's why we are launching a programme that will guide and support you as you embark on this adventure.

I will share my expertise, skills, and a whole host of tools, as well as being your biggest supporter each step of the way.

Imagine waking up each morning feeling energised and ready to take on the day because you know that you have everything you need within reach. Imagine feeling a deep sense of confidence and self-love that radiates out into all areas of your life.
You deserve to live a life that's brimming with joy, abundance, and fulfilment and i am here to make that possible for you.


3 ways to cultivate love for yourself


You may never look as sexy, young or beautiful as you do today