Frequently Asked Questions

How does your pricing work?

I try to make it possible for everyone to be able to afford to work with me if they want to. For this reason, I have 3 tier pricing.

Each service has a :

Subsidised Rate:  This is our reduced rate to allow those who have a lower income to save and invest in working together.

Full price: This covers the before, during and after work that goes into each session.

Pay It Forward: This is for your full priced service and covers 50% of the discount given to the Subsidised Rate. I cover the other 50%. 

The more PAY It Forwards clients, the more subsided rate clients I can take on.

If you are still struggling to see a way to work with me as a paying client, please get in touch as I sometimes offer barter payment or a greater reduced rate for those willing to contribute a piece of writing to our Community Hub, which can be written anonymously if you prefer

Each month I send a free tool from my client resources library, so make sure to sign up.

  • I’m not sure if I’m ready. How can I get a better sense if this is right for me just now?

    Book in for a free chat, and I can answer any questions you have while you get to know me and how I work. I will always be honest with you about whether or not my work can be of benefit to you.

  • What do you guarantee?

    I guarantee you that I will show up for you 100%. I will be honest, compassionate. I will bring all of my experience to every one of our calls, and I will share every tip and tool I have to support you on your journey.

  • What is expected of me as your client?

    I ask that you show up for your session and be as present for the duration. I ask that you be as courageous as possible and trust me and the journey I will guide you on. And what the really means is that you are willing to dive deep, be present on this journey together, and move forward at whatever pace works best for you.

  • Do you only work with people who live with illness?

    No. I am a mental health and chronic illness mentor, but my work is always person-centred, so you will be the leader of each session. We will focus and collectively work on what you need attention, support with.

  • Would working with you still benefit me if I don’t have mental health struggles?

    No. I love to work with people who want to create their life and future around themselves, their happiness, their (health) needs, and their desires.

    My work is person focused, with the goal of every client is for them to walk away from our sessions with more love, compassion, kindness, value for themselves.

  • If I know you, can you still Coach me?

    It would depend on how well we know each other. If we know each other in a casual sense, then we can work together. The Journey Book allows you to stay anonymous to me.

  • What can I expect in a Coaching session with you?

    Coaching is a dynamic partnership. It is a forward focused directive therapy.

    In a Coaching session, we may

    • Discuss your current life.

    • Explore where you want to be/feel.

    • Discover or clarify your goals, wants and needs.

    • Be heard.

    • Receive compassion and understanding

    • Gain insight into patterns of behaviour or thinking.

    • Explore if these still work and benefit you in your life and relationships, both with yourself and others

    • See other viewpoints and pathways available to you.

    • Gain awareness of choice.

    • Be supported, inspired and motivated.

    • Leave with action steps that will bring your goals and dreams closer.

  • How many sessions will I need?

    Everyone’s needs and journey are unique to them. That is why I have created The Freedom Package so that each client can build the package personalised to their specific journey and destination.

    Combine what you need, a blend of 1-to-1 coaching, therapeutic talking, your very own Journey Book, and tools created just for your needs.

    One Empower hour is enough for some people to get clarity and focus. For others, the Journey book is a comfortable step forward.

    If you start with one session and then realise you want to book a package, I will take the single session fee off the block price, so you don’t miss out on any savings.

  • What can I expect from the Journey Book?

    The Journey Book is a powerful tool that takes you on the journey of exploration. It will help you explore, identify and clarify your feelings, wants and mindset.

    The Journey book is a personalised workbook where every question and input is created for you and your specific needs on your journey.

    The Journey book is created online. You and I are the only people with access to it. Once each week, when you are ready for me to do so, I will go into the document, read your explorations, provide feedback, suggestions and support. I will then create the next section of your Journey Book based on your needs in moving forward in your journey.

  • What about Confidentiality?

    Confidentiality is as important to me as it is to you. Our partnership needs to be a safe relationship for both of us. I often share, were helpful information about my life and journey. Trust and openness work both ways, and I want you to feel safe and free to be all you.

  • How do I know you are the right coach for me?

    Book in for a free chat, and I can answer any questions you have while you get to know me better.

  • How do I sign up anonymously for the Journey Book?

    Set up a Gmail email address and use this email address when contacting me about your Journey Book . You can pick the name you introduce yourself to me as. It is that simple to work with me and keep your identity private.