You may never look as sexy, young or beautiful as you do today

The video shows my body today, and out of respect for it and as someone who wants to change her relationship with the aesthetics of the physical form, I am sharing all of my shape in this reel.

It's not an easy thing to do because I grew up in a world where a body like this was unacceptable, undesirable, and something that should be hidden.

I have spent so many years trying to hide my perceived physical imperfections. I look back on pictures I didn't share because I thought my stomach looked too big, and I envy that body now. I feel sad that I couldn't see it for how healthy, strong, and beautiful it was.

As someone who lives with illness and has a father who has lost both legs, I want to show gratitude and celebrate what my body can still do for me

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Chronic illness, My Journey Solas Chronic illness, My Journey Solas

My Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Journey back to being me in this world | 2

Many of these tablets, especially the hard tablet form, were filled with chalk and bulking agents to make them into a tablet form. I knew that I could help my body more by cleaning up my supplement intake. I started by trying to buy better quality supplements. For hard pills, if you buy them in larger quantities in the one pill bottle, you will often find the pill size is a lot smaller. I buy organic and/or vegan where possible because I hope they will be cleaner.

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My Journey, Chronic illness Solas My Journey, Chronic illness Solas

My Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Journey, bringing ME back to life

I've been meaning to write a blog post about how I have helped my body recover from Post Viral Fatigue /Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

I will share with you my journey and what has worked for me. Allowing me now to have more well days than bad. How I have regained trust in my body and feel safe in building living again and building a future.

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