The steps that lead to consciously healing and growing

Awareness, analysis, and understanding are essential elements needed to heal and grow.

These components assist us in seeing patterns of thinking and behaviour and how useful our defaults really are for us.

We need to process this information so that we can become aware and take measures to rewire our brain and build new patterns of thinking and behaviour.
They also allow us to make better decisions, solve problems, and effect positive change in our lives and relationships.

In this blog post, I will go over each of these elements in further detail, explaining how they work and what they will bring to your healing and growth journey.


Awareness is the key to unlocking the secrets our brain tries to keep from us.

With awareness, we become aware of our thoughts, feelings, and perspectives on life, ourselves, and the world around us. It gives us the insight to see ourselves for who we are, accept it with kindness, and choose if that's who we want to be going forward. Awareness is the first step to having the power to deliberately choose and change our relationship with ourselves and our life.

We cannot make informed decisions and take necessary actions without Awareness.

How do you become more aware?

It can only happen by watching yourself and noticing when you feel heightened emotions.

  • What caused it?

  • Does the situation warrant it?

  • What from my past might make me feel this way about this situation?

  • Notice how you spend your days. Here is a guided exploration journal created for this.

  • This is a reflection journal to help you become more aware of who you are and why you do things. It will start you on your journey of getting to know yourself and whether you are living in a way that brings joy and supports your needs and wants as an individual.

  • Ask yourself why, a lot!

For your brain to let you see, it must feel safe, and for that to be the case, you need to ensure your inner dialogue is one of kindness and compassion.

Learn to celebrate yourself.

When was the last time you patted yourself on the back, wanted to give yourself a high five, or bragged about yourself to others?

I have created this journal to start you on your journey back to consciously celebrating yourself each and every day.

I promise there are many days when you have accomplished more than you realised but you don’t notice because you are lost in your to-do list, felt overwhelmed, or were distracted, berating yourself for "underachieving".


Analysis is the process of breaking down the information and trying to look at it from a more neutral place in order to gain a better understanding. To turn it around in your mind as you try to get a different perspective on it. It involves examining the underlying components that contributed to the situation or experience, identifying patterns and relationships, and assessing the impact of each component.

Analysis is a crucial skill for decision-making, problem-solving, and relieving pain and trauma. Changing your perspective allows for better understanding and a different perspective. A change in perspective allows for a change in feeling, or at least a disempowerment of the power of memory on our feelings.

Here are some prompt to help you analyse, but the best would be to book in for a session so I can personalise my support and guidance to your experiences.

  • How can I look at this from a less pained and personalised view. Can I look at the memory like I am watching a scene on tv rather than a personal experience. Asses it from this distanced view.

  • Without excusing other peoples behaviour, but to free yourself from your default view of the situations, ask yourself “What might be their experience or viewpoint that allowed them to knowingly or unknowingly behave or engage in such a way.” What world had they not done that allowed them to believe their behaviour was o.k.


Understanding allows us to comprehend, gaining more awareness about something that happened or is happening. In this instance, you are the subject of your observation. How you function and live, why you do things the way, this is what you want to understand. This is the key to change and growth,

Knowing increases intuition, our inner knowing, and that gut feeling that helps us navigate the world around us.

Whatever form it takes, the strength on which we base our decision-making and action

Without it, we may feel lost or uncertain about how to proceed with things.

As you go on this journey of healing and growth with me I hope you will feel the value of knowing and continually seek out information and perspectives in order to really get to know the true you that has lived under the baggage, struggles, and trauma.

Knowing comes from asking yourself questions again and again. Sometimes asking the same questions repeatedly gets you through your layers of protection to the core answer, your truth.

You may be wondering what questions to ask, and the answer is that there are no wrong or wasted questions to ask yourself.

I have an array of guided exploration journals in the FREE Tools & Resources section of this website.

I also have a Pinterest board full of Journal Prompts and one full of inspirational, thought-provoking words.

Keep studying yourself. observe and notice, but only with kindness and compassion. It's easy to fall into judging, berating, or disliking yourself during this work, but we must be kind, gentle, and supportive to ourselves or healing cannot happen. Healing cannot happen in a place that feels unsafe.

You may feel anger towards people and situations, and that is okay. Allow yourself time to feel this anger or sadness, but don't get lost in it. Ask yourself, "What do I need to do for myself now to keep moving forward with the healing and growth I desire?"

And if you need a safe space to share and unpack your memories and feelings I am here.

Consciously choosing

Lady picking out a book for a library

Awareness and understanding give us the ability to start consciously choosing and changing how we react, think, and live.

Consciously choosing our actions, knowing why we do what we do, and living how we live give us the awareness and freedom to start deliberate making choosing that align them with our needs and wants. This happens when you create a positive self-relationship and value our needs and wants as much as we do other people's.

It can be challenging to make conscious choices in a world that bombards us with messages about who we should want to be, how we should live, and what should make us feel happy and fulfilled. If you have followed me for a while, you will know that I live outside the "norm" on less money than anyone would believe is possible, yet I have an abundant, happy, and peaceful life.

If you want to change how you live, how you feel about yourself, and what's possible for you, then get in touch. Connecting people deeply with themselves and helping them create a courageous, supportive, and loving self-relationship so they can live freely and abundantly is my skill and passion.


These steps help us become more self-aware, knowledgeable, empathetic, and clear headed,.. By developing these skills we can improve our communication with others about our needs and wants and lead the way for them to do the same. Imagine a world where there was less second-guessing and trying to read minds and invisible signs. Imagine that energy going into healing, developing as individuals, and sharing our truths with clarity and confidence.

So there you have it. Awareness, analysis, understanding, and clarity are the paths to healing, and these allow us to consciously choose which is where we get to make changes, take steps in a new direction, and allow ourselves to grow and live true to ourselves in this life we have.

What step do you think will be hardest for you?


Self Relationship: The Most Important Relationship in your Life


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